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Covid-19 Protocols 




We’re working hard to keep you safe during your visit. Here are some of the steps we're taking to prevent the spread of Covid-19.


Please note - all patients and parents are required to wear a mask!


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Operatory Barriers




Our treatment area has been upgraded with the addition of state-of-the-art barriers specifically designed to provide a safe environment during your appointment as recommended by the CDC and the American Association of Orthodontists.


Waiting Area




We’ve removed non-essential items from our waiting area and spaced out our seating to ensure six-foot distances. In addition, we sanitize all surfaces, handles, and contact areas at the reception desk throughout the day.


Antiviral Fogging




In addition to our standard disinfection protocols, we utilize a handheld fogging machine each day in our treatment areas to provide added protection for our patients. This CDC-recommended procedure is an added step we take to make our office safer.  


Patient Precautions




We screen each and every patient that visits our office with a pre-appointment questionnaire and in-office temperature scan. Parents and siblings are asked to stay in the car during appointments whenever possible to limit contact within the waiting area.



Vacuum Filtration




For all aerosol-producing procedures (like taking braces off!), we use a mobile vacuum filtration system designed to remove particulates from the air during the appointment.

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